When it comes to painting your garage door, you don’t want to be competing with your home, rather complementing it. The following includes information on what type of colors you can choose to help your garage door pop.
Garage Door Colors: Paint Options to Make Your Door Pop
Over the past few decades, the garage door has become more of a part of the home than its own separate building. Therefore, homeowners are beginning to really take into serious consideration the paint of the garage door. However, it can be difficult to not only pick a color that pops but one that doesn’t overshadow the rest of the home. The following includes information on the type of paint options you have for your next garage door project.
Classic Paint Options
One of the most common mistakes made by homeowners looking to choose a paint option that helps make their garage door pop is believing that bright colors such as a bright red is the only option they have. However, going with a more classic color such as white can really do wonders for your door and curb appeal. Grey is another neutral color that can make your door pop without overcoming the rest of your home. Note that before you add these types of colors, you should contact a Long Beach garage door installation company to receive information regarding the condition of your door. Only then should you begin to apply paint to it.
Utilize Window and Door Colors
More and more people are wanting to make sure that their garage door color pops. The dilemma surrounding this is that you still want to show off the rest of your property. One of the best ways to choose a color that pops but doesn’t overdo it is to match it with your front door or window colors.
Garages With Multi-Colored Brick Material
If you find yourself having to choose a color with a multi-color brick exterior, a good tip is to paint the garage door using one of the colors of the bricks. You may choose to paint it using one of the least common brick colors. Doing so will allow the garage door exterior to really pop without having to bring in an outside color that may look nice but won’t match your home’s exterior material.